5 good resolutions for 2022

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Happy New Year !” Good health ! » That's it, New Year's Eve has passed. The euphoria of the end-of-year holidays has subsided. The 2021 report is done. Now is the month of January , a pivotal period traditionally marked by the presentation of happy new year wishes but also by the famous good resolutions . Each time, the subject divides. Resolution or not resolution, that is the question! The battle rages between two very distinct camps. On the one hand, there are the fervent defenders of a strategy developed seriously and carefully, based on a mood board , objectives , action plan , bullet journal and habit tracker . On the other hand, there are the supporters of “in any case, a resolution is meant not to be kept!” » Everyone has their own team and their own method to envision their best future . At Perdième, we rather see our resolutions as intentions for the months to come, guidelines to guide us in our future projects and allow us to stay on course. Kindness, well-being, creativity, discovery, generosity, this is what we wish you and wish you at Perdième for 2022 .
Good resolution no. 1: take the pressure off
On a daily basis, we are often caught up in routine and long lists of tasks to complete. We rarely take the time to analyze the situation, to think about possible changes to make and even less to take action. We are always waiting for the right moment, the one which will give us the necessary impetus to trigger the much-awaited process of improvement. For many, this ideal time coincides with the start of a recurrence. January: the perpetual restart of the annual cycle. It is THE symbolic period of new beginnings, conducive to introspection and the desire for change. We all say to ourselves: “It’s now or never!” » We are then taken by a burst of optimism and motivation, which leads us to make an ever longer and more ambitious list of resolutions. Faced with the magnitude of the task, discouragement quickly rears its head, followed by feelings of failure and guilt due to abandonment.
However, there is no need to set the bar so high. Who said you have to change everything? Limiting yourself to one or two goals that are really important to us is the best way to reduce pressure and ensure complete success. Quit smoking, get your driving license, change jobs: you have to choose. And understand the underlying intention that pushes us to set this goal: preserve our health, be autonomous, achieve professionally.
Once everything is clear, we remain kind to ourselves throughout the journey, whether it is direct or fraught with pitfalls!
Good resolution #2: take care of yourself
Self-love , body positivism , self-care . So many anglicisms increasingly used to describe an increasingly recognized reality: the need to accept oneself, to love oneself and to take care of oneself. The health crisis linked to Covid-19 has highlighted the importance of physical health but also that of mental health. Resolving to pay attention to your well-being is a laudable, legitimate and beneficial intention. This can be achieved through many small actions or daily rituals. Let's make sure we leave our homes regularly, even when working remotely, to take advantage of natural light and avoid winter blues. Let's try to distribute household chores between all members of the family to free up leisure time together. Let's adopt menstrual lingerie to feel good and protected in all circumstances. Let's practice a physical or creative activity that brings us joy, relaxes us and develops our self-esteem. Small, simple pleasures that are good for your morale and restore energy.
Good resolution no. 3: cultivate your garden
As Voltaire invites us in his famous philosophical tale Candide or Optimism , let us cultivate our garden, literally and figuratively.
In a very down-to-earth spirit, gardening is a practical and fun occupation, recommended for the relaxation and satisfaction it provides. Whether on the small balcony of your apartment or in the vegetable garden adjoining your house, sowing, planting, watering or cutting allows you to concentrate on a manual activity and forget for a moment the worries of everyday life. Enough to enjoy nature and always develop your ecological sensitivity a little more.
According to the metaphor, it is about working towards personal development. Learning a new language, designing your home, trying your hand at dancing, cooking, crafting, taking singing lessons: these are concrete examples of how to exercise and expand your talents. Nourish and make our inner garden flourish, to act on what depends on us, while leaving aside the problems that are beyond us and over which we have no control.
Good resolution no. 4: try the micro-adventure
Get some fresh air, breathe, escape, explore: essential wishes for 2022. This desire for elsewhere and openness to the world is at the heart of Perdième’s identity, nestled even in the names of our creations – Osaka , Nairobi or Pondicherry . Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly reduced our travel options. But going on an adventure remains possible; we're just going a little less far! In this context, the concept of the micro-adventure has gained momentum. It's about seeking discovery in your own country, sometimes even right next to where you live. The idea is to live a local experience, a short-term stay, accessible and exotic. The ultimate goal is to believe you are on the other side of the planet even though you are only a few (hundred) kilometers from home. Everyone can organize their own mini-expedition or call on an organization specializing in this new form of tourism. Bivouac for a few days in the forest of your childhood, tour Queyras on snowshoes, go for a weekend by bike on the roads of the neighboring department, go down the Charente in a canoe, etc. This way of traveling is completely adapted to the period of travel restrictions that we have been experiencing for two years, but will also delight those who are phobic about flying, those who resist long journeys or even those who are not specialists in very technical excursions.
Good resolution no. 5: change the I(u)
Good resolutions made at the start of the year are most of the time linked to a desire for individual development. We want to hold them in order to give birth to an improved version of ourselves, more dynamic, more serene, more fulfilled, happier in short. The object of all attention here is ourselves. However, numerous studies 1 , 2 , 3 have looked at the links that exist between happiness and the quality of social relationships. Listening to those close to you, sharing moments of conviviality with family or friends, helping others would constitute greater sources of pleasure and contentment than focusing on your own person. It also seems that it is a virtuous circle: “altruistic behaviors increase the feeling of happiness, which increases the chances of implementing altruistic behaviors. It is therefore an upward spiral” 1 . If being generous has so many benefits, then why not make it a primary intention for the coming year?
And you, what about good resolutions? Are you a fan of ultra-well-crafted strategic plans or more of the “we’ll see” team ? Resolutions or not, Perdième wishes you a wonderful year 2022!
Written by cd