Bathing during your period: 10 preconceived ideas

“I can't swim , I'm on my period ... I risk being surrounded by a pool of blood and attracting sharks ! ". Said like that, the reflection may seem somewhat preposterous, funny, or even extreme. However, this is what we can read on the discussion forums through which many women share their intimate concerns. Taboos and lack of information about menstruation continue to fuel many false beliefs. A theme that is no exception: bathing with your rules . Together, let's review 10 very common, but completely false, misconceptions about the bathing and menstruation combo.
Swimming while on your period is dangerous for your health
Practicing aquatic activities during your menstruation period does not present a health risk in itself. In the absence of a medical contraindication linked to a specific health problem, it is entirely possible to swim when you have your period . And it can even be recommended in cases of PMS or endometriosis , with gentle sporting activities helping to reduce menstrual pain . You just have to make sure to maintain good habits when it comes to menstrual hygiene , in particular changing your sanitary protection regularly. This is even more the case when bathing with a tampon: the water absorbed inside the vagina generally contains chlorine or salt, substances which can cause irritation.
Swimming when you're on your period is dirty
The majority of women bathing during their period choose to wear internal period protection. The risk of leakage is very low and even if there is, the quantity of blood lost is tiny. Some swim without protection, but this is generally because their flow is very weak, by nature or for example at the end of their period, or they practice free instinctive flow (FIL) , so they know how to retain said flow. in those moments. So, there is nothing unhygienic about all this. And last observation, certainly not very savory, but factual concerning swimming in a natural environment: a quantity of other human and animal secretions are released into the seas, oceans, lakes and rivers without anyone depriving themselves of swimming there. ; what's the difference with a few microdrops of menstrual blood?!
Water cuts periods
Menstrual bleeding is not miraculously stopped by water. Menstruation corresponds to the elimination of the superficial layer of the uterus which has become useless in the absence of fertilization; these organic wastes must be evacuated from the body, whether it is submerged or not. However, it often happens that we notice an absence of blood loss when taking a bath or swimming. This phenomenon could be explained by the pressure of the water which would slow down the menstrual flow and the horizontal position which would reduce the effect of gravity. But the flow will eventually return to its usual rhythm once you get out of the water or if you stay there for a very long time.
Swimming while on your period is a guaranteed bloodbath!
Over an entire menstrual period, that is to say lasting approximately 3 to 7 days, a woman of childbearing age and in good health loses on average between 35 and 50 ml of blood, the equivalent of 2 to 4 spoons soup. During a single moment of swimming, the small quantity of blood which could escape from your body will very quickly be diluted in the immense volume of water which surrounds you, and therefore invisible. We are far from the dreaded pool of blood! For those who are prone to very heavy periods or menorrhagia , the risk of leakage should especially be considered outside of the water, a risk that suitable protection and a few precautions can greatly reduce.
I'm going to stain my swimsuit
There is no such thing as zero risk of leaks, whether you wear a swimsuit or not. But with good protection or complete control of the FIL, there is nothing to worry about. And if you want to take maximum precautions, wear a dark swimsuit and bring a bath towel and a change of clothes.

The pad will absorb all the water from the pool
A tampon is certainly made to absorb liquids. It will therefore actually swell on contact with water, which rises by capillary action through the string. But this effect is minor and insignificant: it is detectable neither by you who wear it nor by a third person.
The tampon string will stick out of the swimsuit
Yes it's possible. But the strings of sanitary tampons are not that long either! By ensuring that the thin cord is correctly positioned at the bottom of your bikini bottom, there is little chance of it escaping or even being visible on the outside. To be sure to avoid the incident – not a serious one after all – you can also cut its end, so that it protrudes less from your vulva; but be careful, make sure you leave enough length to be able to pull on it when removing.
Only a tampon is effective for bathing with your period
The tampon is the option most often chosen by bathers and swimmers. It is in fact easy to use and fulfills its absorbent role well in an aquatic environment. However, this is not the only type of protection that can be used in these conditions. Apart from the FIL technique, which requires experience and confidence, we can cite two other methods that are just as effective as using the tampon: the cup and the menstrual swimsuit.
Menstrual swimsuits don't work
Some are still skeptical about its use; However, the period swimsuit is really effective and has many advantages . Many people now use it with complete satisfaction, as evidenced by the reviews concerning our Macao model for example. In one-piece or two-piece version, colored or plain , there is something for all body shapes and tastes!
Period blood attracts sharks
And last but not least : the myth of the shark attack! The idea that menstruating women are more exposed to shark attacks than other swimmers is a legend. Sharks are not excited by human blood, even less by menstrual blood , but by that of their usual prey, that is to say fish and other marine animals.
Bathing with your period, an aberration for some, obvious for others. In the end, everyone does as they wish. But for those who gave up swimming because of one of these 10 preconceived ideas, no more excuses now to take the plunge!
To extend reading:
Written by cd